All from our REAL Models in the Resilience Industry.
The new year is the perfect time for
reintegration. Why did I cross out reinvention I hear you cry? Because, for pretty much all of us, how practical or desirable is reinvention? On a very basic level, it’s too daunting and that's why the vast majority of, ‘new year, new you’ resolutions break! -yah!
You (as in the universe/society ) seriously can't be asking me to forget my past accumulations of experiences, challenges and values of what I have learned from life to date right? Of course not. We don't inspire from this but inspire from the more pragmatic and heart touching stories and experiences. It becomes real and dear readers, that is what I am all about. You would have already guessed this by now. (Hello if you are new by the way). Anyway, all this essentially becomes an affirmation of what what has been learnt from your life and reminds you that change, (big or small), is already within us.
BOOKS provide us with that reintegration. They ignite senses of meanings and impact on us in ways we never expect. This is exactly why I love them and love to ask all my guests on the pod about their current favorite book and why. You can learn from what inspires others and who knows the level of impact that may have on you.
Books come to us when it is our time to receive their knowledge.
If you are looking for inspiration then let's get right to it because there is no better way than to ask our real models from 2019 what their favorite books were. (Mine is in the video too by the way)
P.s I try to buy all my books second hand from World of Books. (Let's also be conscious of our environment too and no it's not sponsored , a go to site for me.). If you buy any of these books mentioned then leave me a note.
To help you here is the list :(links open in new tab)
1. Flow- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - recommended by Dr Aarti Anhal
2. The Hotel on the Roof of the World by Alec Le Sueur recommended by Bettina Gerlich
3. Battlefield 2 Boardroom by MR Jay Allen recommended by Aaron Gracey
4. The Strategy Boo by Max McKeown recommended by Roger Payne:
5. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne recommended by Nimah Ryan
6. This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay recommended by Kate Rawlins
7. How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes recommended by Luke Bird
8. So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport (my favorite for 2019-watch the video to find out why)
With gratitude and until next time..